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Course Introduction

Welcome to Philosophy and Biology for the Future!

For our first session, we’ll be diving right in. After introducing ourselves and the course, Michael will offer a crash course in science, and Joe will do the same for philosophy. We’ll also talk a bit about why we’re using science fiction texts to help guide us through the semester.

Philosophy Content

You have probably taken at least one philosophy course already. This course won’t be like the other(s) you’ve taken. But it will be helpful to revisit the basics. Check out the video below, where Hank Green will introduce—or reintroduce you—to the field.

Science Content

On Fairy-Stories

You know Tolkien. He wrote Lord of the Rings. And some other great stuff, too. This semester, we won’t be reading Lord of the Rings, but we will take a look at his defense of imaginative literature: “On Fairy-Stories.” This assignment is optional, but we’d encourage you to take a look.

You can read the essay here.

Or listen to it below.

August 29

Basic Ethical Frameworks