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Artificial Intelligence and Health Care Ethics

Artificial Intelligence and Health Care Ethics

Science Content

This week, we’ll be talking about the relationship between medical sciences and ai.

As you read through these, you should be aware that I’ll likely ask you, not about the gritty details of the experiments, rather, I want to know your thoughts about what the future prospects for these types of approaches - what other good could they do (and where could things go wrong).

These are pieces on high-powered biosciences research and contain lots of jargon. If you get stuck or it’s confusing, I would strongly encourage you to use chatGPT and wikipedia to help out.

Philosophy Content

We’ve already reviewed ethical basics (remember Kant and Utilitarianism and Virtue Ethics?). For the philosophy part of class today, we’ll be reviewing the basics of a specific application of ethics: Bioethics. Roughly, bioethics is the study of ethical issues raised by the sciences and especially in medicine. Having a basic understanding of the field will be crucial to many of the issues we’ll be discussing this semester.

To prepare for class, simply view the video below.

September 5

Is Artificial Intelligence Intelligent?

September 12

Elder Care, Robots, and AI